FAANG is an acronym often used by people in technology and those in the trading space, to refer to a collection of the most powerful global technology companies. Namely Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google. Microsoft despite hitting a trillion-dollar market capitalisation has not made the acronym cut (a point of much consternation for some I am sure).
Shadi is the Hindi/Urdu word for marriage.
What do you get when you ‘marry’ the two, FAANGSShadi.com. And if you haven’t guessed it yet…this is the ultimate matrimonial website for FAANG employees. If you have already watched the crude explainer video on its site, you may have taken away from the Hindi used that it is focused on the South Asian market and oh yes…that it uses GPT3 from OpenAI as part of its technology stack to help pair some of the most sought after FAANG engineers. One user described the target segment as the Unicorns of the marriage market.
The matrimonial site has allowed for the ultimate “revenge of the nerds” by filtering and matching based on a number of criteria including “what level engineer you are”, “your HackerRank” and even ESOPs (share options). The founder also goes on to explain the number of interviews required for the match-making service to work.
In India today while Shaadi.com and other matrimonial sites reign supreme, they are far too pedestrian for the target audience for this startup. Already trending on ProductHunt.com, this looks like its set out to put human match-makers out of business for this elite group of engineers. If that sounds too good to be true? Then thats probably because it is!

The entire website was an elaborate April fools joke put up by the brilliant marketing team at https://www.interviewbit.com/. For the naysayers that don’t believe that content marketing is king this is a great example of April 1st done spectacularly well. So much so that it actually trended on Product Hunt, once hunted by the co-founder of interviewbit.com, Abhimanyu Saxena.

We love a good gag. Hence the reportage. The only move that could have taken this even further, is an English-friendly explainer video, which may have helped spread it faster (though perhaps it would have also made it lose some of its faux authenticity too). One comment on product hunt even suggested a management consulting equivalent for MBB (McKinsey & Co, Bain, and BCG). Watch out for other sites launching soon! Wonder if anyone told the good people over at Product Hunt?
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